feature film, development romance, drama
In 2009, two black women, united by their love of cinema and a shared sense of loneliness, embark on a transformative journey. One is the owner of a video store in the city's ghetto; the other is a voice actress who dubs foreign films. Despite their contrasting personalities—one a dreamer and extrovert, the other skeptical and insecure—they join forces to revitalize the video store and keep their dreams alive. Along the way, they discover that the love and passion they have for each other can exist both in fiction and in reality.
Events & Awards
Awarded at Jorge Portugal das Artes (BR)
FRAPA 2021 (BR)
DiaLab (BR)
Guiões (BR)
Kinoforum (BR)
Vilma Carla Martins
Screenwriter/Director, Producer and Curator. Master in Film Analysis from Federal University of Bahia (UFBA 2017) and in Film Curation from Elias Quejeta Zine Eskola (EQZE - Spain 2022). She has studied in Université Paris Ouest Nanterre de La Defense (2014 - 2015), Escuela de cine y TV de Santo Antonio de Los Baños (EICTV 2019), Academia Internacional de Cinema (AIC 2020) and others. Member of Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals (APAN), Brazilian Association of Screenwriters (ABRA) and Talent of Projeto Paradiso. She is co-founder of Sujeito Filmes (2017). She worked in the Thought and Debate sector at the San Sebastian Festival (SSIFF) in 2022. She is the screenwriter and director of the experimental short film "Lament to Waters" (2023) and the short film “5 Ribbons” (2020), selected and awarded at national and international festivals, such as Toronto Black Film Festival (Canadá), Festival de Cinema Brasileiro de Los Angeles (EUA) and Festival de Brasilia (2021). Script room assistant for an Original Fiction Series project by Anonymous Content Brazil and an international gaming company (to be announced). She was curator for Rota Festival 2021 and Frapa 2022 and 2023. She is writing a series for Disney+ and producing her first feature film "Star video", approved in the Paulo Gustavo/Salcine 2023 public fund.