Frita Frita


series, development / drama, thriller

"Frita" is a biographical fiction and thriller series project around the myth that became Carne Frita (1930-2019), the legendary pool player who roamed the urban popular imagination of São Paulo during the time the country was passing through harsh transformations under the shadow of what would become the military dictatorship.

Based on the memoirs of Walfrido Rodrigues dos Santos, Frita, the series narrates in two parts the journey of a so-called 'malandro', who roamed from the underworld to the salons of the upper classes, obsessed with gambling, while making a parallel with recent events in politics, society and family in Brazil in recent years.

Through the investigation of Sofia, a student at the military school looking to write about the life of Carne Frita, the plot follows the perspective of two characters displaced from their universes by their obsessions. Him, obsessed with the game to the point of betting higher and higher. She, obsessed with knowing the Master of the Game side of the story, no matter what the cost.

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